I am excited to announce my new and improved website! To be completely honest, it is more exciting and new for me than it is for the internet world. The major change is how much easier it is for me to add new artwork to my site through the back-end.  I used to have to add artwork to my site and then to Pay Pal to make it available for sale. A long process, I would wait until I had many pieces before I updated the site. But now the process is one entry for me and it shows up in my gallery and also in Pay Pal. Huge time saver - thank you to my web guy extraordinaire, Jim Fontaine (aka my husband)!

The changes to the viewing public are interesting and also a curiosity, to me anyway. For those who are interested, you can now review my artwork on a scale from 1-5 stars. You can also set up an account by clicking on Sign In which will bring you to a page where you enter your name and password. If this is a new account, click on Create Account and a User Registration form will ask for your Name, Username, Password, Confirm Password, and Email address, Confirm Email address. After you have created your account you will be sent a confirmation email to activate your account. Next time you return to my site, you will simply Log In with your username and password. Fairly standard setup, just be sure to write down your user name and password to have the next time you come back.

I love feedback and am interested in how people will review my artwork and also which pieces will be their favorites. Have fun!