DJ Geribo AuthorWriting has been one of my passions for as long as I can remember. I'm a professed bibliophile (in case you don't know, it means I LOVE Books) and when I was a child, I would take out of the town library, or weekly bookmobile, as many books at one time that I was allowed. And now, as an adult, I do believe there is no such thing as owning too many books. My dream house includes my own library with wall to wall books! Although I don't have a separate room that I call my 'library', I've spent several years building my library of books and now have more than 20 book cases packed with books around my home, with the bulk of them on book shelves in our basement. Books can also be found in every nook and cranny of my home. And that includes the floor, just about any available table, as well as on actual book shelves. I also fairly recently learned that I'm a disciple of the fine art of Tsundoku (pronounced zoon' dokoo) which means I own more books than I could ever possibly read in my lifetime. 

I have a BA in English, no surprise there! Yup, I made that decision based solely on my love of books. I didn't really think about a CAREER! I guess that would have been the wise thing to do, but I thought it was a better choice making the decision based on what I love: BOOKS - reading them, writing them, and owning them. And of course, a writing career is what I ultimately chose because when I look back at my reading and purchasing of books, it really is the only career that makes sense.

I worked in the computer industry for more years than I was comfortable with but gained over ten years of experience as a technical writer and editor. I've been writing for as long as I can remember when I was first able to hold up a pencil and form words on a piece of paper. And when I was first learning to read I would sound out words - I was often the last one standing when we had spelling bees in school. The single most important skill I learned in high school was typing and so writing with a keyboard has become a preferred means of recording thoughts. I do, also, love writing with pen and paper but I can simply type faster than I can write with a pen. When I try to write fast my penmanship becomes indecipherable, even to me.

I have written many stories and together with my internet architect husband, Jim Fontaine, we created a publishing website to sell my books  So far, I have written 7 books; a middle grade book, two children's books, a non-fiction book, a collection of literary short stories, a memoir, and a novel with short stories in one book. I also currently have two other novels awaiting editing. I can only hope that you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

I participated in NaNoWriMo (National Book Writing Month) for the first time in 2019 and that is one of the completed books that is awaiting editing. I always have several books in various stages of completion going at the same time. But this works for me since there are times when I'm in the mood to write memoir and other times to focus on a novel or a non-fiction book. I will eventually complete them all.  I am a member of the New Hampshire Writers group - NHWP - New Hampshire Writers Project ( 

I've also taught myself to paint and often connect one of my paintings with my writing. To see all of my paintings, visit my Artist website: .

"I gave my books their own room and now they want the whole house." (a book joke, that happens to be true in my house!)


* Over the years Jim and I have been involved in helping to save wildlife through wildlife conservation and habitat preservation. We designed a line of exclusive products using some of my artwork. Find out more about how we are saving wildlife together by visiting our website We have also created a website using my paintings of a variety of dogs and cats to help shelter animals. Go to to find out more about what we are doing to help support no-kill shelters around the country.

Authistpreneur - which stands for Author/Artist/Entrepreneur is a term I created to describe all that I do as an Author/Artist/Entrepreneur. I have found references to Authorpreneur referring to someone who is an author/entrepreneur and references to Artistpreneur for someone who is an artist/entrepreneur but I am both a published author and a fine artist and I have several online business (www.HelpShelterPets and besides my art business and self-publishing business You saw it here first!!!

DJ Geribo at Library of Congress: The Mart and Seven Storied Houses         
