seven storied houses cover image webThis has been a long time coming! Although I finished this collection of literary short stories over a year ago, there have been too many things going on for both Jim (Publisher/Editor of BBD Publishing) and me and we haven't been able to give the book the time it deserved. But short of telling Jim he needed to 'drop everything' and focus on my book, the book is now done and we will be picking copies up from the printer next week.

I'm extra excited about this book because I did something really different, which is also part of the reason it took longer to complete. We were able to include other pen and ink artists in the book which gives it a very different look and feel. Also this book is my first official 'adult' book, meaning 'not for children.' There is a swear word here and there and a couple of scenes that, although not pornographic, do a little more than suggest that sex was performed between two consenting adults.  

Thank you to everyone who purchases my latest book. I would love to hear comments about this book from my readers!
