Me & Them cover for newest novel

Finally, after many delays and set-backs, my latest book is near completion! Time for celebration!

This book is a little different from others I've written since it is based mostly on fact with just a touch of fiction thrown in. That's because it is a collection of memories. The memories are of my parents and it is written in flash non-fiction segments from my childhood. So most are true but in a couple I thought a little fiction (i.e., drama) would add a spark to the particular story.

I've been writing these over the past several years and finally, last year, took them more seriously and started giving each one a name and deciding which were more about my mom and which were more about my dad. I have enjoyed connecting with each parent in this way, especially since they have each been gone more than 25 years now. 

My date for my book release is at the end of October. My editor and I have one more run-through of the book and then we'll send it off to the printer for a proof copy. Once we read through the entire book again, it will be ready for print copies.

It has been awhile since I've had a book (no thanks to the pandemic and how it set us all back at least a year!) so I'm very excited to have another book to add to my growing list of books I've written. This will be #6! 
