It has been a long time coming...well, at least 7 months since I gave my 8th book to my publisher to edit. And now with the editing complete, the cover nearly ready, the book is almost on its way to the printer for a galley copy to, once again, review and edit a final time before we print up copies available for sale. Phew! And then, close on its heels comes book #9, which has been even a longer time coming. That one was written in 2019 during NaNoWriMo - National November Writing Month - and then put on the back burner. But I kept thinking about it and just last year pulled it out and did more editing to finalize it for my publisher. That one will be coming out later this month.

The goal is to get these two books ready so I can start promoting them both. My plan is to have private home book discussion groups where I talk about my books, my writing process, and everything else to do with writing. I understand that most people have a book that they want to write 'someday'. I'm going to convince them that 'someday' is now! We don't know what the future holds so why wait to write your novel, or memoir, or childrens, or non-fiction book. 

If anyone reading this is interested in having a book discussion group or even becoming a member of my "street team" (more about this later - I'm just learning about it), please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
