Cedar Waxwing with Holly Berry painting by DJ Geribo

As 2023 comes to a close, I reflect on my accomplishments, particularly concerning my writing. This year, I added my 7th book, The Mart, to my collection of published work.

And now I'm working on what I hope to accomplish in 2024. I usually have more books than I am able to complete on this list, mostly because everyday life happens. But remaining my usual ambitious self, I hope to complete 3 books in 2024: a novel that has over 50K words but needs serious re-writing and editing, a non-fiction book, and another collection of stories about characters in different time periods who have stayed in the same cottage. I'm also reviving what can become a series, working on book 2, as well as another potential series, finishing up the 1st book. And then I also have several other books in various stages of completion. Never a lack of inspiration!

 What I like about working on more than one book at a time is, depending on my mood or inspiration, I can switch from one to the other. Looks like I have a busy year coming up!

Sending you all good wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year in 2024!!!
