Crow Shoulder painting by DJ Geribo

I know a few people in my age range but, not surprising, or maybe surprising to some, we have very different goals. The majority of these people are spending their days reading, relaxing, moving to FL, golfing, playing other games, watching a lot of TV, and traveling. But for some reason I have a very different agenda. I write.

Don’t judge me – I’m not saying what I’m doing is right (as in, more superior), it’s just different from what a lot of people want to do when they retire. And I get that. When someone retires the last thing they want to do is work – and writing definitely is work. It’s fun, but it is work. And this, more than traveling or moving to FL (definitely not on my bucket list!) is what I want to do.

Part of this decision has to do with having a husband more than a decade younger than me. He’s still working and will be for several more years. Therefore, I would have to entertain myself during the day anyway so it is fortunate that I’m doing what I love to do. And yes, I would be doing this even if he wasn’t still working because this is where I find my joy. Part of the reason is that, for so many years, I worked for someone else where I earned a salary because I needed to make money. And I didn’t have time to ‘just write’ whatever I wanted. Now I can do that. And what I love to write are novels. And short stories. And non-fiction. And well, just about any kind of writing. Whether or not I’m any good at it is irrelevant because I’m doing what I love. But I do believe the more you do something, the better you get. One of my favorite quotes is from Aristotle “You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”  Repeat after me, the more you do something, the better you get.

So, I’ll keep writing. Just because.

*What I Have To Say About...
