In a lot of countries, the senior citizens are respected, their knowledge valued. Why? Because the younger generation understands that in the 60, 70, 80 + years that they have lived on this planet, they’ve learned many things. And they have a lot to share. This is how we learned about what plants were ok to eat and which mushrooms were poisonous to humans. In other words, the knowledge that seniors have helps save lives. Makes sense, right?

So why is it that in this country, the US of A, not only do we not value what knowledge the senior population has accumulated over their so many years and decades of life but we shove them into a corner, hoping they will remain quiet, and keep all that knowledge to themselves? It certainly doesn’t make any sense to me. And I should know because I’m a senior. I may not look like a senior but I am. Most days I don’t feel like a senior but then some days I definitely feel the miles. Mostly it’s because I take care of myself, eating (mostly) right and exercising regularly. That’s what it takes.

But I also know a lot about a lot of things. Since I’m a writer I also read a lot. So much more than any 20 something has read. But still, those in their 20s, 30s, and 40s think they’ve got it all figured out. They think they have all the answers and that they know more than any person in their 60’s, 70’s+. If you are a senior, you are probably laughing about now. Sure, it is important for the younger generation to learn from their mistakes, but why re-invent the wheel when we already have a Maserati (or fill in with your own treasured vehicle) on the lot, and for most young people, that is your grandparents. Sure, some are senile in old age and living with Alzheimer’s, have lost a lot of their memory. But there are so many of us who have so much to share. Just ask any young person in China.

*What I Have To Say About

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