old-fashioned rose bloom
"Old Fashioned Rose Bloom" painting by DJ Geribo

Paperboy by Vince Vawter. Living in a small town, you get to know the people who keep the town together and running smoothly day to day. One of my favorite people in my town is our librarian, Holly. I stop in regularly to find a book or two that I want to read, beyond the books in my own extensive library. Holly and I spend some time chatting, often about our shared passion for books. She recently recommended a book so highly that I knew I had to read it. And I'm glad I did because it was a wonderful book, unique in its subject, told from the perspective of a boy who stutters.

The story takes place the month of July, 1959 in Memphis, Tennessee. Vince has taken on the responsibility as a paperboy for his friend Art (nicknamed "Rat" because it is an easier sound for Vince to make) who is visiting his grandparents on their farm. In those four weeks Vince makes a few friends (and one enemy) that he'll never forget.

This coming-of-age story speaks to any child who has a handicap that they mistakenly believe defines who they are. One of the people Vince delivers the paper to is Mr. Spiro who teaches Vince to embrace all parts of himself and reminds him that his speech impediment is not who he is but that he is so much more.

This is a special book written by a man who obviously suffered the insensitivities of people because of his handicap. But through the kindness of strangers, and Mam his caretaker who defends the boy even at the risk of her own life, Vince is better equipped than most to become a compassionate, caring person into his adulthood.

I rate Paperboy 5 out of 5 stars.*****

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