After reading a book of her short stories I thought to really get a taste for Ms. Braun's work I needed to read one of her novels. I did a little research on Ms. Braun and found that she wrote 3 books and then after an 18 year hiatus, she wrote the book that I happened to have in my possession, "The Cat Who Saw Red". I would have preferred to read the first novel she wrote but instead of looking for it at my library I decided to read the book I did have. I've never been a reader of mysteries but since I rediscovered my desire to write I've also opened up my interests to reading to include many more genres than I previously had not read.
I believe the key to writing a good mystery is to keep your reader reading. And that's exactly what I did; over a weekend I had read the entire book. I really did want to keep reading as each chapter ended in a question that made me turn the next page. Witty and with a fine cast of characters, including the protagonist Quilleran and his two Siamese cats (similar to Ms Braun's own cats), Koko and Yum Yum, it really did hold my attention until the very end when, with my suspicions realized, the killer was revealed.
I've recently taken such an interest in this genre that I've begun to develop my own cast of characters for a mystery novel I would like to write. My novel will most likely include a Pomeranian or two and maybe even a Cockatoo!
I rate "The Cat Who Saw Red" 3.5 out of 5 stars.
Adults Book Reviews
The Cat Who Saw Red
- In: Adults