Red Fox Alert painting by DJ Geribo

A new series of books called "Bookshots" created by James Patterson, "Crosskill" was my 1st James Patterson book.

In our overly functioning crazy-busy world, no one has time to read much more than a few columns in a newspaper. And there is a good chance they aren't turning to the 'continued on' page, either. We just don't have enough time for anything so something as short yet complete as a Bookshots novel just may be the new way of the novel.

I recently heard or read a comment about the length of books, that no one reads one over 300 pages, or something like that. Made me think about the books I'm reading which are typically shorter in length. I do consume a lot of children's books, usually juvenile fiction. Since this is a genre I enjoy writing I figure it makes sense reading what's out there, you know, the competition. But I also have longer-winded books (I still have not finished reading "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay" that tome of a novel at 656 pages) that when I think about reading them I end up grabbing one of my less weighty books.

So Crosskill, featuring a well-known Patterson character, Alex Cross, was a rare treat for me. I consider this kind of a book a man book, you know, lots of shooting, cops and robbers, a murder-type mystery, every page soaked in testosterone.

I'm not familiar with the suspense genre but if I had to guess I would say Crosskill fit the mold in every way - each chapter left you with a question or puzzle to entice you to keep reading and you were given just enough information to keep you guessing as to what was really going on in the story, again, so you would keep reading.

I did enjoy the fast read and will most likely try another one or two Patterson books (probably a children's book) but personally, if I'm going to spend any time reading adult novels, I want something with more substance. I'm far more interested in the psychological than the suspenseful and want to learn, usually more words as I use reading to build my vocabulary. I noted that there was a certain amount of research needed since he had to know a enough about technology and the medical field to write confidently about each.

Maybe if I was on vacation and lying on a beach somewhere (which I never do anymore) I might give in to something fluffy like a Patterson novel or maybe a Jane Green.

I rate "Crosskill" 3 out of 5 stars. (based on my lack of interest in the genre)

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